Research and Articles
Baltazar G.A. et al. Osteopathic manipulative treatment relieves post-concussion symptoms in a case of polytrauma. Cureus 2020;12(3): e7317
Glue Ear
Mills MV, Henley CE, Barnes LL, Carreiro JE, Degenhardt BF. The use of osteopathic manipulative treatment as adjuvant therapy in children with acute otitis media. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2003;157(9):861-6.
Degenhardt BF, Kuchera ML. Osteopathic evaluation and manipulative treatment in reducing the morbidity of otitis media: a pilot study. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2006;106(6):327-34.
Back pain
Cruser dA, Maurer D, Hensel K, Brown SK, White K, Stoll ST. A randomized, controlled trial of osteopathic manipulative treatment for acute low back pain in active duty military personnel. J Man Manip Ther. 2012 Feb;20(1):5-15
Licciardone JC, Minotti DE, Gatchel RJ, Kearns CM, Singh KP. Osteopathic manual treatment and ultrasound therapy for chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial. Ann Fam Med. 2013 Mar;11(2):122-9.
Immune system and osteopathic treatment
Lisa M Hodge and H Fred Downey. Lymphatic pump treatment enhances the lymphatic and immune systems. Experimental Biology and Medicine 2011, 236:1109-1115.
Lisa M. Hodge. Osteopathic lymphatic pump techniques to enhance immunity and treat pneumonia. Int J Osteopath Med. 2012 March ; 15(1): 13–21
Hodge LM, King HH, Williams AG Jr, Reder SJ, Belavadi T, Simecka JW, Stoll ST, Downey HF. Abdominal lymphatic pump treatment increases leukocyte count and flux in thoracic duct lymph. Lymphat Res Biol. 2007;5(2):127-33.
Schander A, Downey HF, Hodge LM. Lymphatic pump manipulation mobilizes inflammatory mediators into lymphatic circulation. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2012 Jan 1;237(1):58-63.
Birth strains
Frymann VM. Relation of disturbances of craniosacral mechanisms to symptomatology of the newborn: study of 1,250 infants. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 1966;65:1059-1075
Neurological problems
Frymann VM. Learning difficulties of children viewed in the light of the osteopathic concept. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 1976;76:46-61
Frymann VM, Carney RE, Springall P. Effect of osteopathic medical management on neurologic development in children. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 1992;92:729-744
Frymann VM. The osteopathic approach to the child with a seizure disorder. In King HH. (Ed) Proceedings of international research conference: Osteopathy in Pediatrics at the Osteopathic Center for Children in San Diego, CA 2002. American Academy of Osteopathy, Indianapolis, IN, 2005;89-96.
Cutler MJ, Holland BS, Stupinski BA, et al. Cranial manipulation can alter sleep latency and sympathetic nerve activity in humans: a pilot study. J Altern Complement Med. 2005;11(1):103-108.
Baker EG. Alteration in width of maxillary arch and its relation to sutural movement of cranial bones. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 1971;70:559-564
Clive Hayden, Brenda Mullinger. A preliminary assessment of the impact of cranial osteopathy for the relief of infantile colic. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 2006;12 (2):83-90.
Cerebral Palsy
Duncan, B. et al. Parental Perceptions of the Therapeutic Effect from Osteopathic Manipulation or Acupuncture in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy. Clinical Pediatrics. 2004; 349-353.
Wyatt K, Edwards V, Franck L, Britten N, Creanor S, Maddick A, Logan S. Cranial osteopathy for children with cerebral palsy: a randomised controlled trial. Arch Dis Child. 2011 Jun;96(6):505-12.
Links: (reply by Lim, Nunn)
Infant postural asymmetry
Philippi H, Faldum A, Schleupen A et al. Infantile postural asymmetry and osteopathic treatment: a randomized therapeutic trial. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2006 Jan;48(1):5-9; discussion 4.
The aim of this study was to assess the therapeutic efficacy of osteopathic treatment in infants with postural asymmetry. A randomized clinical trial of efficacy with blinded videoscoring was performed. Sixty-one infants with postural asymmetry aged 6 to 12 weeks (mean 9wks) were recruited. Thirty-two infants (18 males, 14 females) with a gestational age of at least 36 weeks were found to be eligible and randomly assigned to the intervention groups, 16 receiving osteopathic treatment and 16 sham therapy. After a treatment period of 4 weeks the outcome was measured using a standardized scale (4-24 points). With sham therapy, five infants improved (at least 3 points), eight infants were unchanged (within 3 points), and three infants deteriorated (not more than -3 points); the mean improvement was 1.2 points (SD 3.5). In the osteopathic group, 13 infants improved and three remained unchanged; the mean improvement was 5.9 points (SD 3.8). The difference was significant (p=0.001). We conclude that osteopathic treatment in the first months of life improves the degree of asymmetry in infants with postural asymmetry.